Our mission is to help keep you healthy and active by providing quality, compassionate care, through health education, prevention, and expert treatment.
Visit Our Locations
Foot & Ankle Institute
We treat a variety of conditions ranging from simple sprains and sports injuries to complex structural foot and ankle deformities, fractures, and diabetic wound care.
Wound & Vein Center
The Wound & Vein Center was introduced to meet the increasing demand for wound care among patients suffering from diabetes and disorders of the circulatory system.
Bunion Center of Hawaii
Recently launched in 2023, the Bunion Center of Hawaii is an innovative, specialized approach to advance the care of patients suffering from this very common foot deformity.
Our Quality Services
About Us
Our practice specializes in the medical and surgical management of foot and ankle disorders in patients of all age groups.
Health Plans
We offer and accept a variety of health plans to ensure that you are partially or fully covered for any expense you may have.